
English Patient: Sky Mountain Camp

Setting: A group of sisters are looking at pictures of the Sky Mountain Camp.

Friend: Look, here's the meadow that Pastor Ed was talking about.

Sister J: Where?  I don't see it.

Friend: (points to the obvious meadow in the picture) Here, the meadow.

Sister J: I really don't see it.  I thought it was big and beautiful and shiny.

Friend: What?

Sister J: The big metal.

English Patient: Wrong Wrong

Setting: A group of sisters are laughing at a comical sign below...

Friends: [laughing]

Sister X: Huh?  I don't get it.

Friends: You don't get it??  This means in a marriage, when there's an argument... the wife is always right and the other... 

Sister X: I don't get it.

Friends: What's the opposite of "right"?

Sister X: Left.

Friends: [silence]

Confusing Label

I have no idea how to make sense of this label.  This container contained soy sauce, but that seems to be beside the point.  What could possibly be inside the container which would make sense of this label?

Moving Boxes

  Setting : A Slack message goes out regarding moving boxes -- "For the smaller boxes, let's try to fit them into our trunks of car...