
Wrong --ist

Friend: Oh my gosh, take a look at the name of this soy sauce.  It's called "Housewife Soy Sauce."  That's pretty messed up.

Brother D: Yeah man, that's so racist.

Tricky Spelling

This check is written by a Spelling Patient Sister J:

Another Spelling Patient Sister S comes along and corrects the misspelling, being nice enough to even put in Sister J's initials:

Geography Patient

Brother J: Wow, this cake is good, where did you get it?

Friend: It’s called “The Dream Cake”. I got it from a Danish bakery.

Brother J: What is “Danish”?

Friend: You know… from Denmark.

Brother J: (pause) Is that in Asia?

My Condolences

Setting: Judge Hensley's thesis got approved, and people of Gracepoint Austin are talking about going out to celebrate.

Brother D: Hey, let's go out and celebrate Judge's passing!

English Patient: Dangerous Driver

Friend: Hey Sister S, do you know how to drive yet?

Sister S: No, I need to go to the DMZ and take a test to get a permit.


Friend: Man, it's amazing that some people get hole-in-one's in golf.  That's so lucky.

Sister R: What's a holy one?

Normal Versus Videos

Setting: Some students from Gracepoint Austin are talking about the Normal Vs. Videos... (some of which are featured on this site)

Sister X: I think those Normal Versus videos are pretty funny.  Except.. whenever I watch them, I tend to miss the Bible verses.  Where are they?


Setting: Sandra calls an Indian restaurant to pre-order some Indian food.

Sandra: Hello?  Yes, I would like to order some hara bhara paratha, some pani poori, pav bhavi papad, and some dal makhani.

Restaurant: What is your name?

Sandra: Sandra.

Restaurant: Got it, it will be ready in 15 minutes.

The following receipt was what Sandra got.

I.D. Check

Setting: During Christmas 2010, Sister A and her friend is shopping at Safeway, and they get NyQuil, which requires an I.D. check.

Cashier: In order to buy this, I need something from you.

Friend: A credit card?

Cashier: No, something else.

Friend: A safeway card?

Cashier: Nope..

Sister A: (suddenly butting in) How about a "Merry Christmas"??


Cashier: I need your I.D.

Sister A: [silently slips away into the background]

Moving Boxes

  Setting : A Slack message goes out regarding moving boxes -- "For the smaller boxes, let's try to fit them into our trunks of car...