
Gracepoint Epoch

Many years ago, while Eddie Chung's class was still in undergrad, they threw a surprise birthday party for me and did a song-and-rap routine, which wasn't all that unusual. However, the little-known historical fact is that they were the very first ones who dared to start their dance performance with their backs toward the audience. To my knowledge, they were the first ones to ever do that.

(Note Jeannie, lower left, shielding Josiah's eyes from this sight).

After this song and dance, I actually went to the bathroom and threw up. I'm serious. I was suffering from a migraine when I was coming into the house, so I guess it's not their fault. But still... the observable fact is that it happened after this song. When they asked me why I went to the bathroom so quickly, I told them, "I threw up." They felt pretty bad.


Johnny said...

among brothers, there's a golden rule that you can do whatever you want, just don't ever get caught on tape...
Mo and Daryl, my former and current SG leader, obviously wasn't as wise as they are today

Anonymous said...

history-makers of gracepoint berkeley. we've come a long way... or have we? =D

Anonymous said...

Here goes my leaders...from my past and present.

Anonymous said...

Daniel hy,
I remember the throw up story differently! I only say this because I think it's funnier.
After the performance, while everyone was trying to wrap their minds around what had just happened, you went to the bathroom. When you came back someone asked "What took you so long?" and someone remarked "He was probably throwing up!" We all laughed, but you smiled and didn't say anything.
It wasn't until a few days or maybe weeks later that you confessed to our small group that you had indeed been throwing up. And I think only then did we realize the effect of sickness.

maurice said...

I'm disturbed that this has seen the light of day!

But, did we really do this?? Or was it a clever Final Cut Pro magickry from the hands of the Disgracepoint Master Daniel hyung himself?

Alas, we will never know...

Moving Boxes

  Setting : A Slack message goes out regarding moving boxes -- "For the smaller boxes, let's try to fit them into our trunks of car...