
Lost Pen

Sister S: Hey, Sister A, you know the pen you gave me? I can't find it...
Sister A: Oh, you lost it already?
Sister S: No. I just don't know where it is.
Sister A: So... you lost it.
Sister S: No. I just don't know where it is.
Sister A: ...


steven_choi said...

A truth hater?

Anonymous said...

that's penful

Anonymous said...

The last line of that conversation was actually:

Sister S: So if you have any extra, can I have another one?

Bren said...

Although I find this post pretty funny, I'd like to agree with Sister S in that you may not know where an item is and yet not consider it lost.

Anonymous said...

I think I meant that it wasn't necessarily lost for good because I knew its location was within some well-defined boundaries...
it made sense to me at the time but when I explained myself I just got laughed at.

Moving Boxes

  Setting : A Slack message goes out regarding moving boxes -- "For the smaller boxes, let's try to fit them into our trunks of car...