After sitting down, he ordered Bulgogi, which is a common Korean BBQ beef dish. What he didn't know was that the owner of Berkel Berkel was a Buddhist. After ordering, the owner came out to this particular brother and said with a disturbed look on his face:
"Ummm... should you be ordering this? I'm not sure if I feel okay about selling meat to a..."
Brother D quickly realized what was happening and said, "Oh, I'm not a monk."
The owner's eyes widened, and he tried to quickly recover, "Oh... is that so? Wow, I just thought that since your face looked so peaceful, you must have been... Well, then, enjoy."
I'm not really sure about the owner's logic... First of all, if your Buddhist convictions are bothered by someone eating meat, why are you selling meat in the first place? Second, I highly doubt that the owner made his judgment by looking at how peaceful this particular brother's face looked.
Haha...I love the efforts that were put into protecting this "anonymous" brother.
I wonder if Brother G would get the same reaction...but I somehow doubt it.
what duh.. he isn't a monk?
Yeah, the owner was using "peaceful" as an excuse to get out of the situation...
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